RZ-133 Neutron
Gamma Ray
- Rapid survey of large areas from the sea, ground, or air. A seaborne instrument would have adequate sensitivity to preliminarily screen adjacent vessels without having to board them.
- Gamma sensitivity is 50 times greater than for hand held instruments meeting the ANSI N-42.33 sensitivity standard. For example, MCNP modeling indicates a response of 7,000 cps. for a 1mCi Cs-137 source at 5 meters.
- Gamma spectroscopy with readily available NaI is improved by potential for high precision spectra and large peak-to-Compton ratio.
- 3-D gamma directional array provides azimuthal and vertical source direction.
- Neutron sensitivity is about 14 times greater than the ANSI N42.34 and IAEA alarm standards for a hand held instrument. For example, response to fast neutrons is about 50 c/s for 1 ug Cf-252 at 5 meters. This sensitivity confers a significant neutron search capability.
- Both neutron and gamma source direction with angular resolution of better than 10 degrees.